~~~Caged ~~~

~~~Caged ~~~
Gorillas Fighting 4 Change

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Recovery Matters

Everybody needs to recover something in their life at one time or another. Every person has a different recovery to make. Some have lost relationships, some their health and some their confidence in themselves or others. The fact you have recovered yourself matters. It matters so much that one has to dwell on its importance in order to understand the concept completely.  Whatever it was you had lost is always there to reclaim unless you are not aware of what it was you have lost. Recovery is more than just rebounding or reconnecting with yourself or others. It’s about identifying what you are made of and what you can or cannot handle in life.

 It’s about survival and the ability to overcome and adapt on matters close to you and important to you as well. It’s about healing the mind, body and spirit back to the point where it can again endure life’s pressures and stressors while effectively deal with the stimulus that causes such stress around you.

Thinking about the process we must determine it what we believe to be a recovery process is fact or fiction. Is it the truth in regards to plausible evidence or is it with utter suspicions that it may not be possible at all? Is there a reality involved or is it just a perception. Are we interpreting things like we want them to be or how they actually are? The answer is to look at every angle and determine just how effectively we can recover what we lost and how much we got back from our efforts to attain such a reclamation process successfully.

The act of recovery is an action needed to restore a balance of systems within your body, your mind and your spirit. What happens if you don’t do this right? One can apply even more stress than there was before you started this journey to recovery. Failing to identify your goals and your purposes is detrimental to your success and may make your recovery only partial which may impact your confidence or realization.

One must be cognizant that if one is to completely recover, one has to replace the energy and effort spent during this process with added efforts and energy than ever before in your life. Doing it wrong will cause a breakdown either psychologically or physiologically and create more stress and anxiety thus there is a certain determination level of commitment that must be made before you being the process.

You must be prepared to be worn down, exposed to other risks or injuries and replace what you lost with more sweat and tears. Your mind should be focused on your resilience towards adversity, your need to rehydrate your body and in all cases, protect your immunity to other influences or powers that can impact your strength politically, physically and psychologically. Thus you must bring about an attitude that nothing is going to deter you of reaching your goals and nothing will stop you until your work is done completing this challenge to recover whatever you may have lost.

The more of a recovery you make, the better you will feel. Don’t be fooled by false securities or sensations and quit or lower your energy prematurely. Resist the temptation to ease off and keep the pressure on yourself to keep on going. The more you recover the further the gains made. Being productive and vigorous is the key to success. Try not to compensate for the pain but endure it. There must be pain associated with the recovery. It keeps your mind focused on why you are doing this to begin with and keeps you from slowing down or stopping completely short of your goals.

Trust yourself and trust your instincts to stay on track. You will reap the rewards as your recovery gains the momentum you know you can attain and soars you to your desired level of your plan. Become a believer and strengthen your confidence to accomplish anything you set out to do even when you may have lost that strength for a moment in your life but you decided to fight and get it back. In the end you will be stronger, smarter, more balanced and effectually healed to face the world with the energy and spirit that brought you success.


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