~~~Caged ~~~

~~~Caged ~~~
Gorillas Fighting 4 Change

Thursday, February 23, 2012

An Analogy of a Drone ~~


In the search for prison administrators many states took the task to hand and followed the patterns of our armed forces and began looking for human drones. In their minds, these drones would undoubtedly be most effective in doing their job in a most robotic manner disregarding the elements of human life and dignity for others as these remotely but strategically placed drones took over prison administrative positions to set the pattern that resembles Abu Ghraib DNA and generally cold and insensitive in presence and delivery of their messages.

Drones are assassins in nature and burst upon the scene to destroy the very moral fiber of good versus evil. Catching us by surprise it has taken a few years to recognize the ploy and planning of that special envoy that came back from Iraq to take over U.S. prisons with an agenda for mass incarceration and making profit from the prisoners caught in their evil web that trapped them with no other place to go but jails and prisons operated by private prison entrepreneurs and public prison administrators on the take by the lobbyist for the private prisons.

These drones came out of nowhere yet when you review their resumes they all share a presence in the infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq just a glimpse before the scandal broke public and their well timed exit back to the states was a strategized plan to allow them to expand their plan to offer private prison beds to the public prisons allowing contractual obligations to expand their prison populations by thousands at a time. These human drones are being built to perfection and are the personal evildoers of many governors who endorse the privatization of prisons and profit that has put billions of dollars into the pockets of corporations that are not interested in justice but profit.

A drone performs just like any other drone (bees for example) and is much larger [politically endorsed and recruited] than the worker bee. Their job is to scrutinize areas where profit can be made thus they have more eyes [spies and snitches to inform the drone of internal strife] , a larger body [political clout] and stouter abdomens to stomach the sickness, the pain and death they incur as their policies are geared for mass incarceration without reformation or rehabilitation. Described to be “lazy” and unproductive, they are just the opposite for corporate purposes as they are eager to seek out those who disagree with them and dispose of them at will.

Drones don’t make honey, which is the job of the worker bees. Their job is to inject hate, discontent and suffering into the making of honey.

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