~~~Caged ~~~

~~~Caged ~~~
Gorillas Fighting 4 Change

Monday, October 8, 2012

Counsel to Satan

Counsel to Satan

Today, it seems that no matter what approach you take politically, it will upset somebody. No need to go into details, this sensitivity has caused many to avoid either direct or indirect involvement or participation in political affairs or government details causing a high level of apathy helpful to the deliberate indifference government elected and nonelected officials want you to take. Thus they manage to hide their true motives within the lack of transparency of government and remain a blurred, bored, nameless or faceless figure to the media and the general public even though their faces are plastered on billboards and repeated vigorously on television in political ads that costs millions of dollars every election.

There is no doubt that many of these officials have sold their souls to the Devil. In fact, it must surely be recognized these faceless bureaucrats provide Satan his success in this world. Thus it is fair to say that today, almost every eager, greedy and corrupt official has joined up with Satan as he has promised them power in exchange for their souls.

These faceless men and women once had principles. Through time and political corruption, Satan has whispered in their ears the very thoughts evil to mankind and allowed them to grow in stature and influence inside government. Once in office and in power, they make compromises in order to win their positions and afterwards, their soul belongs to the Devil as his evil spirit desires.

Don’t be fooled, these evil individuals know what they do. They know their true allegiance is to Satan. In order to fulfill his plans, they must followed his words unconditionally and do what he says to do to make things come true. There are no limits to this evil influence as there is no limit to the power sought by these greedy and corrupt men and women promising to serve a cause but in reality serving only the Devil.

With the Devil’s influence, they know how to make small compromises eventually leading to making larger compromises. They no longer know the difference between right and wrong and find themselves in a filthy swamp of quicksand that allows no escape without retribution or vengeance by the Devil himself. They quickly learn they are now the property of the Devil and they are on a slippery slope to hell as they follow the leader.

Compromising between what is permissible and forbidden, their agenda becomes acts of evil and always ends with the common phrase “end justifies the means” as they destroy moral fiber and values along the way. There are no choices left when you work for the Devil, there can be no stubborn resistance to his will as Satan will only relent his wickedness until you have given him your “total surrender.”

Wanting to be an inspiring leader has a high price to pay. You can no longer expect them to make the right choices. They will be oblivious or unaware of righteousness any longer and journey into chasms of corrupt leadership and governing methods that will doom any government or organization to their death.

They will have corrupted and decimated their own personalities as well as others as this is a joint venture to counsel Satan. Those that joined them will lose all their personal and individual control abilities, lack self-confidence in their own abilities to succeed and lose their strengths and character to the Devil as he pulls the strings tighter and tighter with every compromise made.

Their appearances in public will make it difficult to determine fact from fiction. In other words, they will leave no true impressions and keep you off balance of their intentions and motive so they can destroy the very fiber of the justice system as it exists. Thus today, you have persons elected to office that proffers to the Devil without taking any responsibility and without paying any price for such evilness.

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